Monday, November 15, 2010

Topic 5: Working with Text

Adding Text
If the slide layout includes text boxes, simply click on the text box to add text. To add a text box to the slide, select Insert|Text Box from the menu bar and draw the text box with the mouse. Set text editing options by selecting Tools|Options from the menu bar and clicking the Edit tab.
[Options window]
Formatting Text
Select the text that will be formatted by highlighting the text either on the outline or on the slide. Choose Format|Font from the menu bar or right-click on the highlighted selection and select Font from the popup shortcut menu or. Select a font face, size, style, effect, and color from the Font dialog box. Click the Preview button to see how the changes will appear on the slide before making a decision.
Replace Fonts
Design templates have a preset font that you may want to change or you may want to change the font used on for the entire presentation for a number of reasons. This can be accomplished quickly using the Replace Fonts feature. Select Format|Replace Font from the menu bar. Choose the font you want to Replace from the first drop-down menu and the font it should be replaced With from the second menu, and click the Replace button.
[Replace Font window]
Line Spacing
Change the amount of space between lines in a text box by selecting Format|Line Spacing from the menu bar.
[Line Spacing window]
  • Line spacing - Select the amount of vertical space between lines. A value of "1" is equal to single spacing and "2" is double spacing. Values between and above these numbers are valid as well.

  • Before paragraph and After paragraph - This value will determine the amount of vertical space before and after each paragraph in a text box.
Change Case
Change the case of the characters in a paragraph by selecting Format|Change Case from the menu bar without having to retype the text.
[Change Case window]
  • Sentence case - Capitalizes the first letter of the first word in each sentence.
  • Lowercase and Uppercase - Changes the case of all the letters.
  • Title case - Capitalizes the first letter of every word and reduces the rest to lowercase.
  • Toggle case - The opposite of Title case, it makes the first letter of every word lowercase and capitalizes the remaining letters.
Spell Check
Correct the spelling in the presentation by selecting Tools|Spelling from the menu bar or by pressing the F7 key on the keyboard.
[Spelling window]
  1. The spell checker will prompt you to make corrections of the first word that is spelled wrong.
  2. If the word is spelled correctly, click Ignore or Ignore All if the same word appears several times during the presentation. If this word will appear in many presentations (such as your name), click Add to add the word to the dictionary and you won't be prompted by a misspelling again.
  3. If the word is spelled wrong, highlight one of the the Suggestions or type your own revision in the Change to box. Click Change to correct this occurrence of the word or Change All to correct all occurrences of the word in the presentation.
  4. Click Close to abort the spelling check early.
  5. When the spell checker has read through the entire presentation, you will be prompted by a window telling you that the spelling check is complete. Click OK.
    [spell check complete]
Spelling Options
Select Tools|Options from the menu bar and click the Spelling and Style tab.
[Options window]
  1. Check spelling as you type - If this box is checked, Power Point will check the spelling of every word as you type. Misspelled words will be underlined with wavy red lines.
  2. Hide spelling errors in this document - Check this box to remove the wavy red lines from words that are spelled wrong.
  3. Always suggest corrections - If this box is checked, suggestions for misspelled words will appear when you activate the spell checker.
  4. Ignore words in UPPERCASE - Power Point recommends that you don't type slide titles in all uppercase letters so it will treat words like this and other all-uppercase acronyms as misspelled. Check this box to ignore this suggestion and acronyms that are typically typed in all caps.
  5. Ignore words with numbers - Check to ignore words that are combinations of letters and numbers.

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